Sunday, December 29, 2019

Aristotle And Aristotle s Moral Theory - 3135 Words

SECTION I. In this paper, I will prove that everyone’s feelings are ethically vaild. A good state of character, or moral virtue, is a reputable temperament for deliberate and free conduct of the proper sort. In providing the central concept of a morally adequate lifestyle, such concept of a state of character or virtue is essential in the fulfillment of morality. To which, Aristotle states throughout Nichomachean Ethics, as well as other philosophers, is the question of moral philosophy, not simply how one is to be conducted and be perceived in life, but how one is to become readily disposed so that such actions are viably possible to conduct- for whom proper manners derives characteristically from a fixed temperament. While Aristotelian and other philosophical virtues are recognized as dispositions towards proper conduct, are such virtues fixed tendencies capable of being judged unethical? SECTION II. ARISTOTLE: In Nichomachean Ethics, Aristotle’s moral theory with connections resulting in responsibility, practical reasoning, and choice, are the central focuses of the opinion of ethicality. For one to live a fulfilling life is to live a good life- one full of activity- and not possessed by the worth of a person. Ones activities that are in accordance to ethical virtues are appropriate realizations to which are readily characterized towards good activities. Though the good of a person does not only reside in the behavior, but the behavior of the certain character. In BookShow MoreRelatedAristotle And Aristotle s Theory Of Moral Virtue1229 Words   |  5 PagesNietzsche and Aristotle were two of the most significant philosopher of not only their time but their works has lasted throughout the centuries to influence even some today’s greatest minds. 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