Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Controversial Essay Topics For High School Students in the Spring of 2020

Controversial Essay Topics For High School Students in the Spring of 2020Controversial essay topics for high school students in the spring of 2020 are again trending. The reason for this trend is that two of the most important topics that students are considering right now are the Civil War and slavery. In the past, these topics were dominated by history textbooks. Now, students are searching the Internet for interesting and relevant essays on these topics.The Civil War is always a topic of controversy. Students want to know if the United States of America was right to secede from the Union. The Union did not start the war because they wanted to. The Civil War started because the President of the United States of America wanted to. And the more you learn about the history of the Civil War, the more you are in agreement with the Union President.A lot of students in our schools today are ignorant of the truth about the Civil War and its slave system. Many think that the Civil War was a bout states' rights. These students would argue that the states wanted to secede from the Union, but they really were fighting for their way of life and wanting their state to have the liberty to govern itself. The key thing to remember is that the Union was wrong for using the military force to bring the Southern states into the Union.Students who know that the Civil War was really about slavery are very angry and sad that we still have slavery in the United States. They are convinced that we need to end slavery and move towards a more perfect society. As mentioned before, these students are all too interested in the Civil War. Many college students consider the Civil War to be one of the best written essays ever written.The topic of slavery is much different, but students have heard about it and are thinking about it too. The original reason for the Civil War was the annexation of Texas. When a new state had the right to go into the Union, many wanted to do so. There were argument s on how far to go with this, but the Civil War did not begin because of the Union wanting to 'take over' Texas. It began because of 'states rights.' A great deal of Americans believed that the southern states should be able to govern themselves, without having the federal government to interfere.There are many college students who say that the only reason the National Anthem should be played is to remind us of our sacrifice for our country. Other students who believe that the National Anthem should not be played are out of touch with the world we live in today. The National Anthem is played at football games across the country. College students say that since these schools have football teams, why should it be played by white or black students?Some students are very interested in what is going on in the world today, and others are just looking for interesting topics to write on. There are many topics available to choose from, and students are free to choose one that interests them. After a little thought, students should choose one of the two topics discussed here and enjoy reading a well written and interesting essay. You should never, ever believe that a topic does not affect you personally.

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